
Double ka meetha-A Hyderabadi Cuisine

double ka meetha


double ka meetha
double ka meetha

6 slices of bread and cut into shapes (one slice into two or four)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
2 cardamom (elaichis)
3 Almond
2 cup Ghee/Oil


In a large non-stick saucepan/Khadhai at medium heat, Fry the bread pieces in Ghee /oil till golden brown keep aside.
Then another saucepan at a medium heat add milk, crush 2 cardamom and saffron let the milk cook for 20 minutes,
Meanwhile prepare the sugar syrup add crush 2 cardamom powder
Then arrange fry breads on a plate.
Then pour sugar syrup over the bread,allow the bread to soak up the syrup
Then pour milk over the Bread,allow the bread to soak up the milk leave for 15 minutes.
Garnish with khoa, toasted Slices Almonds,Pistachios and Cashews.
Your dish is ready to serve now.


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